Speakers' corner
Timing | Topic | Language | Lecturer | Products |
10:00-10:30 | How to restore direct after endo treatment? | English | Dr Georg Benjamin |
everX Flow |
10:45- 11:15 | Crack management, all the colours of the dark | English | Dr Stephane Browet |
everX Flow |
11:30 - 12:00 | Keep it Simple ! Composite injection solution |
English | CDT Bob Elst | GRADIA PLUS |
12:15 - 12:45 | Aadva Lab Scanner - lab solutions | English | DT Garlef Roth | ALS 3 |
13:00 - 13:30 | Injection molding technique - predictable solution for anteriors | English | Dr David Gestakovski |
G-ænial Universal Injectable |
13:45 - 14:15 | The next level! Micro-Layering als prothetisches Erfolgskonzept im zahntechnischen Alltag |
Deutsch | ZT Carsten Fischer | Initial IQ ONE SQIN |
14:30 - 15:00 | Challenging the Gold Standard bone graft material | English | Mr. Mark Carlascio | Initial IQ ONE SQIN |
15:15 - 15:45 | Injection molding technique - predictable solution for anteriors | English | Dr David Gestakovski |
G-ænial Universal Injectable |
16:00 - 16:30 | Aadva Lab Scanner - lab solutions | English | DT Garlef Roth | ALS 3 |
16:45- 17:15 |
Contemporary dental restorative options: amalgam alternatives |
English |
Prof. Falk Schwendicke
EQUIA Forte HT |
Timing | Topic | Language | Speaker | Products |
09:15-09:45 | Cadlock – keine digitale Lüge | Deutsch | ZT Sven Bolscho | |
10:00-10:30 | LESS IS MORE ! Monolithic painting and micro-layering solution |
English | MDT Stefan Petrov | Initial IQ ONE SQIN |
10:45- 11:15 | Contemporary dental restorative options: amalgam alternatives | English | Prof. Falk Schwendicke | EQUIA Forte HT |
11:30 - 12:00 | Aadva Lab Scanner - lab solutions | English | DT Garlef Roth | ALS 3 |
12:15 - 12:45 | INSIDE - OUTSIDE Zirconia solutions |
English | MDT Patric Freudenthal |
Zr solutions |
13:00 - 13:30 | Prevention & management of sensitive MIH patients | English | Prof. Katrin Bekes |
Tooth Mousse |
13:45 - 14:15 | The next level! Micro-Layering als prothetisches Erfolgskonzept im zahntechnischen Alltag | Deutsch | ZT Carsten Fischer | Initial IQ ONE SQIN |
14:30 - 15:00 | Build-up of endo treated teeth: is everX Flow the solution? | English | Dr Lucile Dahan | everX Flow |
15:15 - 15:45 | Direct / indirect restorations of endo-treated teeth | English | Dr Maciej Zarow | everX Flow |
16:00 - 16:30 | Aadva Lab Scanner - lab solutions | English | DT Garlef Roth | ALS 3 |
16:45- 17:15 | Universal luting solutions | English | Prof. Roberto Sorrentino |
Timing | Topic | Language | Lecturer | Products |
10:00-10:30 | Injectable resin composites: the silent revolution | English | Prof. Joseph Sabbagh |
10:45- 11:15 | INSIDE - OUTSIDE Zirconia solutions |
English | MDT Patric Freudenthal |
Zr solutions |
11:30 - 12:00 | Challenging the Gold Standard bone graft material |
English | Mr. Mark Carlascio | Initial IQ ONE SQIN |
12:15 - 12:45 | Predictable restorations with direct resin – An approach utilising injectable composites | English | Dr Anthony Mak |
G-ænial Universal Injectable |
13:00 - 13:30 | How to achieve high aesthetics in direct anterior restorations | English | Assoc. Prof. Bora Korkut |
G-ænial A'CHORD |
13:45 - 14:15 | Glass Hybrid: advantages of cost-effective, long-term restorative alternative | English | Prof. Matteo Basso | EQUIA Forte HT |
14:30 - 15:00 | Simplified approach to the restoration of anterior and posterior teeth | English | Dr Giancarlo Pongione |
G-ænial A'CHORD |
15:15 - 15:45 | Injection molding technique - predictable solution for anteriors | English | Dr David Gestakovski |
G-ænial Universal Injectable |
16:00 - 16:30 | Posterior adhesive ceramic restorations | English | Dr Pierre Dimitrov | Initial LiSi Block |
16:45- 17:15 | The next level! Micro-Layering als prothetisches Erfolgskonzept im zahntechnischen Alltag |
Deutsch | ZT Carsten Fischer |
Initial IQ ONE SQIN |
Timing | Topic | Language | Speaker | Products |
09:15-09:45 | Cadlock – keine digitale Lüge | Deutsch | ZT Sven Bolscho | |
10:00-10:30 | GC’s chairside workflow with the new Aadva IOS 200 | English | Prof. Matteo Basso | IOS 200 |
10:45- 11:15 | Modern materials and techniques for a successful cementation of indirect restorations | English | Prof. Marcio Vivan Cardoso |
11:30 - 12:00 | INSIDE - OUTSIDE Zirconia solutions |
English | MDT Stefan Roozen |
Zr solutions |
12:15 - 12:45 | Biomimetic dentistry in the posterior region: direct composite restorations | English | Dr Javier Tapia Guadix |
G-ænial A'CHORD |
13:00 - 13:30 | LiSi ganz easy! Alles zum Thema Vollkeramik | Deutsch | ZTM Ralf Dahl |
Initial LiSi Press |
13:45 - 14:15 | Hybrid Ceramics and Glass Ceramics : the most amazing restorative CAD/CAM biomaterials | English | Dr Christian Moussally |
14:30 - 15:00 | Wax it - mock it - inject it | English | Dr Kostas Karangioanopoulos |
G-ænial Universal Injectable |
15:15 - 15:45 | Ceramic adhesive restorations in the posterior region | English | Dr Pierre Dimitrov | Initial LiSi Block |
16:00 - 16:30 | New trends in biomimetic indirect anterior restorations with digital workflows | English | Dr Javier Tapia Guadix | Initial LiSi Block |
16:45- 17:15 | The next level! Micro-Layering als prothetisches Erfolgskonzept im zahntechnischen Alltag |
Deutsch | ZT Carsten Fischer |
Initial IQ ONE SQIN |
Timing | Topic | Language | Speaker | Products |
09:15-09:45 | Cadlock – keine digitale Lüge | Deutsch | ZT Sven Bolscho | |
10:00-10:30 | GC’s chairside workflow with the new Aadva IOS 200 | English | Pro.f. Matteo Basso | IOS 200 |
10:45- 11:15 | Crack management, all the colours of the dark | English | Dr Stephane Browet |
everX Flow |
11:30 - 12:00 | INSIDE - OUTSIDE Zirconia solutions |
English | MDT Stefan Roozen |
Zr solutions |
12:15 - 12:45 | Modern materials and techniques for a successful cementation of indirect restorations | English | Prof. Marcio Vivan Cardoso |
13:00 - 13:30 | Wax it - mock it - inject it | English | Dr Kostas Karagiannopoulos |
G-ænial Universal Injectable |
13:45 - 14:15 | Simplified anterior restorations | English | Dr Radoslav Asparuhov |
G-ænial A'CHORD |
14:30 - 15:00 |
LiSi ganz easy! |
Deutsch | ZTM Ralf Dahl |
Initial LiSi Press |
15:15 - 15:45 | Wax it - mock it - inject it | English | Dr Kostas Karagiannopoulos |
G-ænial Universal Injectable |
16:00 - 16:30 | Aadva Lab Scanner - lab solutions | English | DT Garlef Roth | ALS 3 |
16:45- 17:15 |
Summary lecture and bio speaker
Georg is from Germany & lecturing in the field of rubberdam isolation, pulpotomy, endodontics, posterior matrixing and direct composites. Member of the GC restorative advisory board and is part of the Masters Program at the private Danube University, Austria.
Summary lecture:
A sufficient “Direct Post Endo” restoration is needed after a successful endodontic treatment. We know that leakage is one of the main endodontic reasons for failure. But we also need to prevent future cracks in these kinds of endo teeth.
Stephane Browet was born in 1972 in Asse, Belgium. He finished dental school at the Free University of Brussels in 1995. He combines nationally and internationally teaching with a private practice focused on microscope aided restorative dentistry. He is an active member of the Bio-Emulation Group and created his own training center Focus Academy that facilitates personal growth for both dental and non-dental professionals.
Summary lecture:
This presentation focusses on both diagnostics and management of cracks in posterior teeth. Using light and colour will allow us to refine our diagnostic protocol. Thanks to effective diagnostics our management will become better. We will shed a new light on cracks and change our perspective of crack management. Discover with us how within the dark realm of cracks there can still be a sprinkle of hope for a bright future.
Bob Bosman Elst graduated in 1991 as a dental technician. While working at his own independent dental lab in Belgium, he has continuously been working on expansion and developing innovative techniques for the dental industry. Bob has conducted many courses for GC Europe Campus, where he found a perfect forum to share his passion and experience in the dental field.
Summary lecture:
Using the proper indirect composite, the injection technique is a very convenient approach to a convincing, aesthetic result with minimal effort.
Doctor of dental medicine, School of dental medicine, University of Zagreb.
Specialized for composite veneers, Injection technique- holding educations, workshops and webinars about injection technique – international speaker.
Author of publication in Quintessence International (QI) and International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (IJED)
Running educational platform „Injectable technique by David Geštakovski“ - www.injectabletechnique.hr
Summary lecture:
Materials, case selection and clinical protocol of injection technique will be described in the lecture, as well as finishing and polishing phases. Main tips and tricks about the great aesthetic outcome of composite veneers will be shared with several years follow-up.
Carsten Fischer ist Eigentümer des zahntechnischen Fachbetriebes Sirius Ceramics in Frankfurt am Main.
Schwerpunkte seiner täglichen Arbeit sind metallfreie, prothetische Versorgungen auf Zähnen und Implantaten sowie herausnehmbare Prothetik. Man kann sagen das komplexe Rehabilitationen jeglicher Art zu seiner Passion geworden sind. Er gilt als Anwender des digitalen Workflows der ersten Stunde. Seit über 20 Jahren ist er als Berater der Dentalindustrie geschätzt und publiziert auf praxisnahen aber auch wissenschaftlichen Niveau.
Carsten gilt als Spezialist für Arbeitsprozesse und wird oft für seine prothetische Expertise zu vollkeramischen Technologien befragt. Er ist der Begründer des Panther Polier Protokoll für keramische Werkstoffe das in kürzester Zeit national, sowie international für grosse Aufmerksamkeit gesorgt hat.
Sein besonderes Interesse richtet sich auf Zirkonoxid, Presskeramik, individuelle Abutments und Zirkon-Galvano Prothetik.
Carsten ist Dozent der Steinbeis-Universität, Berlin, Referent für verschiedene Organisationen (DGI) und Vorstandsmitglied der EADT.
Summary lecture:
Carsten Fischer gilt als einer der Vollkeramik-Spezialisten Deutschlands und hat mit seiner Expertise die Entwicklung des neuen Farb- und Form-Keramikkonzept GC Initial™ IQ ONE SQIN begleitet. Mit diesem Konzept können mit nur wenigen Bränden einfach und effizient hochästhetische Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Lernen Sie in diesem Vortrag die Möglichkeiten der neuen GC Initial IQ Lustre Pastes ONE Malfarben und der ONE SQIN Micro-Layering Keramik im Bereich der Farbmöglichkeiten, Ihrer Farbtiefe und lebensechten Transluzenz kennen und profitieren Sie von den zeitsparenden Arbeitsprozessen im Alltag.
Summary lecture:
A synthetically derived bone graft substitute "Cytrans Granules" has been challenging the gold standard materials since the launch in 2018 through successful clinical outcomes. Similar composition with the inorganic component of human bone will arrow unique bone formation and bone replacement balance which helps to keep the volume of regenerated bone for a more predictable result. Clinical cases from the US periodontists will be shared through the presentation.
Head of the Department of Oral Diagnostics, Digital Health and Health Services Research at Europe’s largest university hospital, the Charité in Berlin, Germany. He also is the founding director of the Berlin Institute of AI and Health Policy and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Otago, New Zealand.
Summary lecture:
With the conclusion of the amalgam era, dentistry is seeking alternatives for this material class; easy-to-place and cost-effective, versatile and long-lasting restorative materials. The lecture will present the current landscape and demonstrate that there is not one (single) alternative to dental amalgam, but a range of them. A specific focus will be placed on the glass hybrid technology and the last evidence around it.
Zerspanungmechaniker- Fachrichtung CNC Fräsen
Summary lecture:
Der Einsatz von Geschieben im digitalen Workflow.
Was früher funktioniert hat steht uns heute oft im Weg.
Stolpersteine in der Cad/Cam Produktion und worauf es wirklich ankommt.
Nur weil man es modellieren kann, ist es noch lange nicht herstellbar!
- 1979: born in Sofia
- 1998: graduates National High School of Art “St Luka” Sofia.
- 2003: graduates Medical College “Yordanka Filaretova” Sofia.
- 2006: founds own dental laboratory in Sofia.
- 2011: opinion leader for, GC key opinion leader for East Europe, trainer on aesthetic ceramic realizations
Summary lecture:
Stefan’s lecture will highlight the unique staining and micro-layering concept; mimicking nature in less time and with absolute control. This all within a micro-layer! Being applicable on both zirconia and lithium disilicate this unique approach is a cost-efficient and offers predictable outcome.
Patric Freudenthal graduated as a dental technician in 1989 at the University of Malmö, Sweden.
After graduating, he worked as a technician for 10 years before starting his own lab working with implants, CAD-CAM and aesthetics during all this time, with focus on bioinert materials. Patric has been lecturing on different topics, such as: implants, CAD-CAM, aesthetics, full ceramic etc. Function & aesthetics with technology is the key-instrument in his everyday work. He is a member (and board member) of The Dental Technicians Guild.
Summary lecture:
Patric’s lecture will highlight the possibilities and potential micro-layering workflow for all-ceramic zirconia works allowing predictable results , high quality output and is time-savings.
In short : A new, efficient concept for monolithic workpieces.
Prof. Katrin Bekes is professor and Chair of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna, Austria. She is currently president of the German Society of Pediatric Dentistry, Vice President of the Austrian Society of Pediatric Dentistry, and is also involved in the European and International Society of Pediatric Dentistry. Prof. Bekes founded the only competence center for patients with MIH in Austria. She has published 5 books within the field of pediatric dentistry prevention and management of sensitive MIH patients.
Summary lecture:
Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a frequently encountered dental condition worldwide. It is defined as hypomineralization of systemic origin of one to four permanent first molars frequently associated with affected incisors. Depending on the severity, the condition can be associated with dental complications including rapid wear, enamel loss, increased susceptibility to caries, loss of fillings, and most of all, severe hypersensitivity often resulting in severe discomfort.
This lecture aims to highlight different aspects related to MIH, from its prevention to management options in young patients including pain control and hypersensitivity treatment.
Dr Lucile Dahan is a private practitioner working in Paris and specialised in direct aesthetic restoration. She has followed several specialization courses on Bio-materials and occlusodontics.
She has published many articles in France in the field of adhesive and aesthetic dentistry and is regularly lecturing on adhesion, cervical lesions, wear and inlay/onlay.
Lucile is member of the GC Europe Restorative Advisory Board since 2014.
Summary lecture:
The build-up of endodontically-treated teeth remain currently a challenge: do we need a post? Which materials do we need to use? What is the best way to restore the tooth’s integrity? The short fiber resin composite EverX® from GC is maybe the solution to all our problems.
Dr M. Zarow lives in Poland and specializes in endodontics. He is also the co- author of more than 50 papers published in Polish and international journals. Author of a book called Endo-Prosthodontics: Guidelines for Clinical Practice, published by Quintessence Publishing and a book called “Veneers”.
Since 2012 he has been editor-in-chief of the Polish dental magazine Medycyna Praktyczna - Stomatologia and he is also a member of the Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry.
Dr Zarow has lectured extensively in Poland and other European countries.
Summary lecture:
The lecture based on clinical experience and literature review will discuss the most important guidelines for the practitioners, in order to help them to choose the best strategy of restoration in root canal treated tooth.
The functional risk assessment as important survival prediction factor will be discussed and cases with RTT reconstruction + occlusal disfunction or constructed chewing pattern will be presented
Associate professor of Prosthodontics and Digital Dentistry at the University Federico II of Naples.
Lecturer at several national and international post-graduate and master courses in different universities.
Researcher, expert and consultant for national and international dental companies.
Author of more than 150 publications in national and international peer-reviewed scientific journals and co-author of chapters of books on prosthodontics. Reviewer of more than 30 international peer-reviewed scientific journals. Speaker at national and international meetings.
Summary lecture:
The current scenario of restorative materials and luting agents is moving towards “simplification” but the comprehensive understanding of material properties as well as the rigorous application of clinical protocols are the key for success over time.
The lecture is aimed at providing an overview about the clinical indications and operative protocols regarding G-CEM One and LiSi Press, showing different clinical cases with full-coverage and partial adhesive restorations in anterior and posterior areas.
Prof. J. Sabbagh graduated from Saint-Joseph university in Beirut. In 2000 he obtained a master in operative dentistry and in 2004 his PhD in biomaterials from the catholic university of Louvain UCL. In 2020 he obtained his HDR degree (Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche) from the Lebanese University, Beirut.
Currently, he is an associate professor, and the former head of department of restorative dentistry and endodontics in the Lebanese university and the director of several research projects in different fields (restorative dentistry, endodontics, clinical trials, stem cells).
His private practice is limited to aesthetic dentistry and endodontics in Beirut and Brussels.
He has published many papers in international peer-reviewed dental journals and has lectured locally and internationally.
Summary lecture:
Since their introduction 25 years ago, flowable composites have undergone continuous development and improvements indicating an increasing demand from dentists.
Four categories of flowable composites are currently available on the market: conventional flowable composites, bulk-fill flowable composites, self-adhesive flowable composites and Injectable flowable composites. They have different percentages of fillers and viscosities and thus different clinical indications in several field of dentistry.
Through this clinical presentation, dentists will have a thorough overview of the different types of flowable composites and their clinical uses.
Dr Anthony Mak graduated with multiple awards from the university of Sydney in 2002.
Dr Mak is one of Australia’s most sought after speaker, especially in the field of digital and restorative dentistry. He has lectured extensively in Australia, New Zealand and across Asia. He is also gaining great popularity on the European and US circuit.
Anthony’s interest lies in dental technologies, advances in materials and techniques; and he has a unique understanding of CAD-CAM digital dentistry.
Anthony runs two practices in metropolitan Sydney, focusing on quality modern comprehensive care, including aesthetic and implant dentistry. He is also a clinical consultant and key opinion leader for several global dental companies focusing on development of new dental technologies.
Outside of clinical practice, Anthony also sits on the Restorative Advisory Board for GC Europe.
Summary lecture:
This short lecture presents a novel injection technique for composite restorations that provides a precise and predictable method for translating a diagnostic wax-up or a pre-existing diagnostic model into composite restorations by the utilization of highly filled flowable and injectable materials.
Ass. professor Bora Korkut lives in Turkey graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry in 2008.
He has been working as an academic member in Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry since 2015 and gained the ‘Assistant Professor’ title in 2018 and the ‘Associate Professor’ title in 2022.
He published many national and international scientific articles about direct and indirect restorations, pre-restorative treatments, clinical dental photography, tooth wear, and caries diagnosis and management.
He was invited on several scientific lectures as a key-note speaker in national and international meetings, congresses, and symposiums about dental photography, tooth bleaching, caries diagnosis, laminate veneers, and anterior/posterior composite restorations since 2015.
Summary lecture:
There are some specific materials and application techniques needed to perform highly aesthetics anterior composite restorations. The selection of resin-based composite, composite shade, restorative instruments, finishing & polishing materials significantly affect the final aesthetic outcome as well as the longevity of the restoration. Besides, the application techniques and the related clinical protocols are very important. In this lecture, the step-by-step clinical protocols to provide highly aesthetic direct anterior restorations will be described in detail. The role of the selected resin-based composite and the way of using it, will be discussed.
Prof. Matteo Basso graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of Milan. In 2006 he obtained the Research Doctorate (PhD) in "Innovative Techniques in Oral Implantology and Implant-supported Rehabilitation" and in 2010 he obtained the Specialty in Oral Surgery (MSc) at the University of Milan.
From 2008 to 2022 he has directed the Minimally Invasive, Aesthetic and Digital Oral Rehabilitation Center (CROMED) of the Dental Clinic of the University of Milan at the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute of Milan. He carries out his private activity at the Basso-Ritzmann associates dental clinic in Milan.
Aggregate professor for the teachings of Periodontology and Prevention, Dental Ergonomics and Management in Dentistry.
Founding member of the European Minimum Intervention Treatment Plan Advisory Board (MITP-AB).
Active Member of the Minimum Intervention Society (MIS), Active Member of TRAP (Tooth Respect and Prevention), Active Member of ORCA (The European Organization for Caries Research) and member since 2007 of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR).
Summary lecture:
Dentists have actually a wide range of options for dental restorations. They differ in their application mode, physico-chemical properties and costs. The latest evidence on glass hybrid restorative systems demonstrates their specific benefits as cost-effective, long-term restorative alternative. The lecture will present the properties and clinical benefits of the EQUIA Forte glass hybrid restorative system, specifically for restorations in load bearing areas, with a dedicated part to tip & tricks and clinical suggestions.
Dr Giancarlo Pongione is author of over 90 publications on the theme of Aesthetic restorations and Endodontics. He is also speaker at numerous national and international congresses Member of “Bio-Emulation Group.
He owns a private practice in Naples and Rome (Italy) specializing in “Aesthetic adhesive restorations” and “Endodontics”
Summary lecture:
The development of adhesive restorative techniques has radically changed our treatments. Thanks to these improvements today we can restore teeth with minimum sacrifice of good dental structure using direct composite. The use of simplified layering techniques greatly reduces the possibility of mistakes.
During the lecture it will be shown when to use the single shade restoration technique and how to perform it. The layering technique, with new generation composite and different shades for the more complex cases will also be illustrated.
As from 2014, Dr Pierre Dimitrov is part of the clinical and laboratory team of dental clinic DentaConsult in Sofia, Bulgaria where he specializes in restorative and prosthetic dentistry utilizing magnification and digital workflows.
He is also part of the international Bio- Emulation Group that brings together clinicians and technicians from all around the World.
Summary lecture:
Adhesive partial indirect restorations are a perfect complement to the biomimetic concept to reproduce as closely as possible the natural tooth's function and aesthetics. The new-age lithium disilicate CAD/CAM and adhesive materials offer horizons yet to be explored in restorative and prosthetic treatment with improved manufacturing and simplified finishing and luting protocols.
Prof. Matteo Basso graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of Milan. In 2006 he obtained the Research Doctorate (PhD) in "Innovative Techniques in Oral Implantology and Implant-supported Rehabilitation" and in 2010 he obtained the Specialty in Oral Surgery (MSc) at the University of Milan.
From 2008 to 2022 he has directed the Minimally Invasive, Aesthetic and Digital Oral Rehabilitation Center (CROMED) of the Dental Clinic of the University of Milan at the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute of Milan. He carries out his private activity at the Basso-Ritzmann associates dental clinic in Milan.
Aggregate professor for the teachings of Periodontology and Prevention, Dental Ergonomics and Management in Dentistry.
Founding member of the European Minimum Intervention Treatment Plan Advisory Board (MITP-AB).
Active Member of the Minimum Intervention Society (MIS), Active Member of TRAP (Tooth Respect and Prevention), Active Member of ORCA (The European Organization for Caries Research) and member since 2007 of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR).
Summary lecture:
Chairside digital restorative workflows bring many advantages to obtain precise yet faster procedures. End-to-end digital workflows, integrating digital equipment, software and materials are key contemporary assets for clinicians who want to achieve durable and aesthetic outcomes through simplified procedures. This lecture will present the possibilities and benefits offered by the new GC’s chairside workflow, from scanning to luting.
• Graduated in Dentistry from Sao Paulo University, Brazil
• Specialist, MSc and PhD in Restorative Dentistry from Sao Paulo University, Brazil
• Assistant Professor at KU Leuven, Belgium. Coordinator of the Center for Clinical Skills at UZ Leuven, Belgium.
• Secretary of the Continental European Division of the International Association of Dental Research (CED-IADR)
Summary lecture:
This presentation aims to show the latest advances in indirect restorative dentistry and discuss strategies to improve the efficiency of the cementation procedure. We will discuss how to optimize the selection of the right luting material and how to get the most of modern techniques for the cementation of indirect restorations.
MDT Stefan Roozen was born in Tyrol and graduated in 1999 in Salzburg as dental technician. He works today as laboratory manager and deputy of the management at Pils Zahntechnik GmbH.
He is the author of several international publications, external speaker at the Austrian master school, speaker, and co-speaker at international course and congress events focusing on fixed reconstructions, ceramics, implantology, prosthetics and CAD/CAM.
Summary lecture:
His lecture will convey a unique staining and micro-layering concept enabling the production of natural-looking restorations with minimal use of veneering materials. Aesthetics and efficiency are combined with the complete system of new glazes and micro-layer ceramics.
Dr Javier Tapia Guadix was born in 1978 in Madrid, Spain.
In 2005 he started his career as professional computer graphics artist, focusing on illustration, animation and application development. In 2011 he founded together with Panaghiotis Bazos and Gianfranco Politano the Bio-Emulation group. He actively collaborates, as invited professor, with several universities across Europe and is member of GC Restorative Advisory Board. In 2017 he became official reviewer for the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry.
Javier works in private practice in Madrid, focusing on restorative and aesthetic dentistry .
He is an international lecturer with participation in more than 300 congresses, hands-on - and live courses. He published several articles in restorative dentistry, dental photography and computers in dentistry.
Summary lecture:
Direct composite posterior restorations are the pillars of restorative dentistry, as such they become of capital importance as they provide the stability to a proper restored dentition. However, achieving stable, high quality, long-lasting direct restorations is technique sensitive and requires a proper understanding of many factors including preparation, bonding and layering among others. Furthermore the new generation of materials, including fibre-reinforced dentin replacement, has opened a new window to enable direct restorations to have a performance and prognosis similar to indirect restorations.
- Move towards a more conservative and predictable approach in restorative dentistry.
- Understand the histo-anatomic relation between enamel and dentin.
- Learn to emulate dental tissues with different restorative materials, from both optical and bio-mechanical
perspective. Fibre-reinforced composite dentin replacement and nano-hybrid enamel replacement.
- Learn strategies for achieving optimal bond strength to ensure durability of the restorations.
- Incorporate key elements in the workflow to facilitate the best finishing of the restorations.
Ralf Dahl absolvierte von 1981 bis 1985 seine Zahntechnische Ausbildung.
Von 1985 bis 1988 intensivierte er seine Kenntnisse in einem gewerblichen Labor mit Schwerpunkt Edelmetall, Keramik und Geschiebearbeiten. Von 1988 bis 1989 arbeitete er als Zahntechniker in einer Privatpraxis, anschließend, bis 1990 als Zahntechniker in leitender Funktion. Die Meisterprüfung in Düsseldorf hat er 1991 abgeschlossen. Seit 1994 ist er Mitinhaber und Geschäftsführer der „MB Dentaltechnik GmbH“. Er ist Mitglied der „dental excellence international Laboratory Group“, der EDA sowie der DGÄZ. Als Referent gibt er praktische Arbeitskurse im In-und Ausland und referiert als Gast-Dozent an der Meisterschule Freiburg. Er ist Autor zahlreicher Fachartikel in der Quintessenz und dental dialouge.
Er ist spezialisiert auf Fachvorträge und praktische Arbeitskurse im Bereich Verblendtechnik, Vollkeramik und Composite ist er ein Experte auf dem Gebiet der polychromen Verblend-technik für ästhetische, funktionelle Vollkeramik. Ralf Dahl und sein Geschäftspartner beteiligen sich an der wissenschaftlichen Betreuung und Entwicklung der GC Initial Keramik Linie und anderer Produkte der Firma GC.
Summary lecture:
"LiSi ganz easy" eine neue Generation von Lithium-Disilikat Verblend- und Presskeramik Ralf Dahl´s Vortrag gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über das umfangreiche GC Initial Keramiksortiment und dessen zukunftsweisende Anwendung im Bereich der Vollkeramik.
- Private practice in Paris
- User of a chairside CAD/CAM system (CEREC®) since 2002
- Post graduate in Implant Dentistry in 2003
- Post graduate in Continuing Dental Education in 2004
- Post graduate in Bone Remodeling and Biomaterials in 2016
- Post graduate in CAD/CAM dentistry in 2019
- Visiting Professor at several Universities.
- Researcher in Biomaterials at the University of Paris.
- Founder of the M. School: Training company on digital dentistry
Summary lecture:
The extraordinary properties of hybrid ceramics and glass ceramics and the extreme ease of use of these biomaterials provide access to a new field of therapeutic solutions allowing the implementation of a very low invasive dentistry.
From simple indirect restorations such as inlays/onlays to more complex restorations such as palatal veneers, hybrid ceramics cover a very large range of indications in CAD/CAM dentistry.
In case of more significant loss of substance, fully crystallized glass ceramics should be chosen as the restorative material.
During this lecture, some clinical cases will be shown explaining how hybrid ceramics and fully crystallized glass ceramics appear to be the best restorative biomaterial in these situations.
Dr. K. Karagiannopoulos is an experienced specialist prosthodontist and an Honorary Consultant at King’s College, London where he has been teaching dental students and training specialists since 2008. He is practicing in 2 specialist practices in the London area. Having an interest in the management of the worn dentition he has been performing the injection moulding technique since 2017 and provides training for dentists both nationally and internationally. He is a key opinion leader for GC UK and has trained hundreds of dentists since 2021 across Europe.
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Resin composites are used more and more in the daily routine of the restorative dentist. Additive adhesive dentistry is now preferred by dentists and patients alike. Injection moulding is a technique that replicates a pre-approved diagnostic wax-up through a clear silicone stent. In this presentation we will explore the potential of this technique in managing the worn dentition. The workflow of data collection, smile design, wax-up prescription and occlusal considerations will be discussed. We will also explore the benefits of increasing the vertical dimension of occlusion including the Dahl concept. Injection moulding is a predictable and consistent technique for the treatment of the worn dentition.
Dr Javier Tapia Guadix was born in 1978 in Madrid, Spain.
In 2005 he started his career as professional computer graphics artist, focusing on illustration, animation and application development. In 2011 he founded together with Panaghiotis Bazos and Gianfranco Politano the Bio-Emulation group. He actively collaborates, as invited professor, with several universities across Europe and is member of GC Restorative Advisory Board. In 2017 he became official reviewer for the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry.
Javier works in private practice in Madrid, focusing on restorative and aesthetic dentistry .
He is an international lecturer with participation in more than 300 congresses, hands-on - and live courses. He published several articles in restorative dentistry, dental photography and computers in dentistry.
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Aesthetic anterior restorations created with digital workflows bring many advantages to achieve a faster and durable outcome. However, given the wide variety of available materials, we need a deeper understanding of each material properties, including both mechanical and optical, in order to choose the right material for each situation and develop the right design and process strategies.
Mechanical properties are of paramount importance to achieve longevity and stability of both the restorations and its bonding interface. Although we usually focus on pure resistance properties, other factors as gap formation during crystallisation, milling properties to achieve thin margins or polishability for perfect surface stability should all be considered as well.
Optical properties such as opalescence and fluorescence, recently added to the latest generation of CAD/CAM blocks enable a more faithful emulation of natural tissues, ultimately closing the aesthetic gap with more complex traditional hand-crafted solutions.
Dr. Radoslav Asparuhov graduated with honours from the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Medical University in Sofia (Bulgaria) in 1998. He specializes in aesthetic dentistry and dentistry with Minimum Intervention in his own private practice in Sofia that he started in 1999.
Since January 2003, he is a consultant for GC Europe NV.
One of the founders of the Bulgarian Society of Aesthetic Dentistry (BSAD) – January 2007.
Since 2009 held more than 300 courses in Bulgaria and abroad with more than 3000 participants.
Member of Bio-Emulation group. “
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Restoring upper anterior teeth is extremely challenging task as those compose the smile and the overall appearance of the patient.
Using different methods to recreate the shape (both palatal and vestibular) of the teeth can reduce significantly chair time and lead to predictable and satisfying results. Thus, the clinician can focus on adequate selection of different shades, opacities, materials with different opalescence and fluorescence in order to recreate natural esthetics.
Ralf Dahl absolvierte von 1981 bis 1985 seine Zahntechnische Ausbildung.
Von 1985 bis 1988 intensivierte er seine Kenntnisse in einem gewerblichen Labor mit Schwerpunkt Edelmetall, Keramik und Geschiebearbeiten. Von 1988 bis 1989 arbeitete er als Zahntechniker in einer Privatpraxis, anschließend, bis 1990 als Zahntechniker in leitender Funktion. Die Meisterprüfung in Düsseldorf hat er 1991 abgeschlossen. Seit 1994 ist er Mitinhaber und Geschäftsführer der „MB Dentaltechnik GmbH“. Er ist Mitglied der „dental excellence international Laboratory Group“, der EDA sowie der DGÄZ. Als Referent gibt er praktische Arbeitskurse im In-und Ausland und referiert als Gast-Dozent an der Meisterschule Freiburg. Er ist Autor zahlreicher Fachartikel in der Quintessenz und dental dialouge.
Er ist spezialisiert auf Fachvorträge und praktische Arbeitskurse im Bereich Verblendtechnik, Vollkeramik und Composite ist er ein Experte auf dem Gebiet der polychromen Verblend-technik für ästhetische, funktionelle Vollkeramik. Ralf Dahl und sein Geschäftspartner beteiligen sich an der wissenschaftlichen Betreuung und Entwicklung der GC Initial Keramik Linie und anderer Produkte der Firma GC.
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"LiSi ganz easy" eine neue Generation von Lithium-Disilikat Verblend- und Presskeramik.
Ralf Dahl´s Vortrag gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über das umfangreiche GC Initial Keramiksortiment und dessen zukunftsweisende Anwendung im Bereich der Vollkeramik.
Keramikschichtung - intuitiv, logisch und verständlich in der Handhabung, mit einer einzigartigen lichtoptischen Qualität, für ein besseres, einfacheres und vorhersagbares ästhetisches Ergebnis - für einen wirtschaftlichen Arbeitsablauf im Labor.