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“GC get connected” provides you an overview of the most innovative and trending topics in Dentistry.
GC Get Connected Special Edition Injection moulding technique
- Injection moulding with composite to obtain a predictable aesthetic outcome: Clinical step-by-step with G-ænial Universal Injectable and EXACLEAR transparent silicone
By Dr. Ali Salehi, France - Injection moulding for a predictable aesthetic outcome
By Dr. Angel Andonovski, North Macedonia - An efficient approach to the restoration of worn incisors
By Dr. Florian Klumpp, Germany - Injecting instead of layering: how a composite became an all-rounder in my daily practice
Interview with Dr. med. Dent. Frank-Michael Maier, Germany - Injectable technique - lateral incisors reshaping after orthodontic treatment
By Dr. Milos Ljubicic and Dr. Marija Zivkovic, Serbia. - Predictable and minimally invasive smile makeovers with the ABC concept (Align-Bleach-Composite)
By Dr Sebastian Däröste, Norway - Injection moulding technique with injectable composites: quick fix or long-lasting solution?
By Prof. Marleen Peumans (Belgium), Dr. David Geštakovski (Croatia), Dr. Jacopo Mattiussi (Italy) and Dr. Kostas Karagiannopoulos (United Kingdom)
GC Get Connected Special Edition IDS 2023 - Solved with GC! Operatory
- Solved with GC!
- The ‘MI’ workflow
- The ‘direct anterior’ workflow
- The ‘direct posterior’ workflow
- The ‘prosthetic’ workflow
- The ‘universal’ workflow
GC Get Connected Special Edition IDS 2023 - Solved with GC! Laboratory
- ONE SQIN - paintable colour-and-form ceramic system
- GRADIA PLUS - new shades
- 20 years Initial
- Aadva Lab Scanner
GC Get Connected Special Edition ONE SQIN
- The color gradient of natural teeth and their intelligent imitation
By MDT Stefan Roozen, Austria - Maximal aesthetics within a micro-layer! A new, efficient concept for monolithic workpieces
By Patric Freudenthal IQDENT / DTG, Sweden - Excellent aesthetics with a significant time gain
Interview with Michael Brüsch, Mark Bladen, Leonardo Cavallo, Carsten Fischer, Patrick Freudenthal, Joaquin Garcia Arranz, Diederik Hellingh and Stefan Roozen - The Mini-Max principle: When profitability is combined with aesthetics GC Initial™ IQ ONE SQIN painting and micro-layering system: A new level in the field of all-ceramics
By MDT Andreas Pilch, Germany - What you paint is what you get: an all-ceramic upgrade
By MDT Leonardo Cavallo, Italy - New philosophies in ceramic layering
By Joaquín García Arranz (Quini) and Dr. Ramón Asensio Acevedo, DDS, Spain
GC Get Connected Special edition: Fall in love with your next restorative from GC
- From long fibres to nano fibres: evolution of the use of fibres in dentistry
Interview with Prof. Pekka Vallittu, Finland - The potential of fibre reinforcement
By Dr Claudio Pisacane, DDS, Italy - Restoration of an endodontically treated tooth using a composite bilayer approach
By Dr. med. Dent. Katja Winner-Sowa, Germany - Go with the flow: a cusp-by-cusp additive technique with injectable composite
By Dr Mindaugas Kudelis, Lithuania - Injecting instead of layering: How a composite became an all-rounder in my dental practice
Interview with Dr. med. Dent. Frank-Michael Maier, Germany - Injection moulding with composite to obtain a predictable aesthetic outcome; Clinical step-by-step with G-ænial® Universal Injectable
and EXACLEAR transparent silicone
By Dr. Ali Salehi, France - Challenges and treatment of the different levels of MIH
Interview with Dr. Nina Zeitler, Germany - An aesthetic and biomimetic approach with a glass hybrid fordirect restorations
By Ass. Prof. Zeynep Bilge Kütük, Turkey - Quick and effective restoration with glass hybrids: the stamp technique
By Dr. Rosalía Marcano, Spain

GC get connected 19
- Excellent aesthetics with a significant time gain
Interview with Michael Brüsch, Mark Bladen, Leonardo Cavallo, Carsten Fischer, Patrick Freudenthal, Joaquin Garcia Arranz, Diederik Hellingh and Stefan Roozen - Maximal aesthetics within a micro-layer! A new, efficient concept for monolithic workpieces
By Patric Freudenthal IQDENT / DTG, Sweden - CAD-CAM single tooth lithium-disilicate restoration through combined endodontic, surgical and prosthetic therapies
By Matteo Basso, Maria Giulia Pulcini, Carlo Vitelli, Arturo Dian, Katherine Radaelli and Clotilde Austoni, Italy. - Glass-fibre-reinforced composites as a core build-up in minimally invasive endodontics
By Dr. Kaplan Sheudzhen, Russia - Simple adhesive luting in everyday practice – ONE for all
By P.D. Dr. med. Dent. José Ignacio Zorzin, Germany - A surface-retained glass fiber-reinforced bridge with a CAD/CAM-fabricated pontic
By Dr. Jasmina Bijelic-Donova (Finland), Dr. Clara Anton Y Otero (Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Pekka K. Vallittu (Finland) and Prof. Dr. Ivo Krejci (Switzerland). - Don’t paint but seal - Maintaining the surface and individualizing the color
By MDT Frederic Reimann, Germany - Ceramics and digital solutions from a single source: where manual and automated techniques go hand in hand
By Ralf Dahl, Germany
GC get connected 18
- GC: 100 YEARS!
- Restoration of an endodontically treated tooth using a composite bilayer approach - By Dr. med. Dent. Katja Winner-Sowa, Germany
- The color gradient of natural teeth and their intelligent imitation - By MDT Stefan Roozen, Austria
- Evolutions in imaging with hybrid scanning - Interview with RDT Stephen Lusty, UK
- A simplified approach to Class IV restorations using the press-mould technique - By Katherine Losada, DDS, Switzerland
- Reproduction of dentin color using Initial Spectrum Stain - By CDT Fotis Megas, Greece
- Simple chords of shades for harmonious restorations - By Dr. Wallid Boujemaa, France
- Enjoy the simple things: cementation with self-adhesive resin cement - By Dr. Christian Lampson, Germany

GC get connected 17
- Restoration of proximal caries lesions in the posterior area with tight proximal contacts - By Dr. Radoslav Asparuhov, Bulgaria
- Diagnose and Therapy of Molar-Incisor- Hypomineralisation - Interview with Dr. Dana Adyani-Fard, Germany
- Implant shape and immediate loading: the Aadva solutions - By Dr. Matteo Basso and Dr. Arturo Dian, Italy
- Injectable techniquelateral incisors reshaping after orthodontic treatment - By Dr. Milos Ljubicic and Dr. Marija Zivkovic, Serbia
- Class IV restoration with direct composite resin: A case study utilising the layering-stratification technique with the G-ænial A’CHORD composite system - By Dr. Anthony Mak and Dr. Andrew Chio, Australia
- One-step post-and-core build-up of an endodontically treated tooth - By Dr. Giancarlo Pongione, Italy
- Full Digital workflow with a twist - Drs. Marco Tudts and CDT Bob Elst, Belgium
- Single tooth replacement in the aesthetic zone: contribution of the socket technique to a durable end result - By Dr. Alex Dagba, Dr. Romy Makhoul and Dr. Julien Mourlaas, France

GC get connected 16
- Welcome word A. Rumphorst
- Aesthetic rehabilitation with leucite-reinforced glass ceramics - By Dr. Sidimohamed Bechiri, Algeria
- Achieving a single central shade match at the first attempt - By Marat Awdaljan, the Netherlands
- Shape matters: conservative alterations of tooth contours and contacts - By Johannes Bantleon, Austria
- Restoring proximal caries lesions with a single shade stratification technique - By Dr. Sergiu Muresan, Romania
- From long fibres to nano fibres: evolution of the use of fibres in dentistry - Interview with Prof. Pekka Vallittu, Finland
- Handling a challenging case in the anterior area with implants - By Dr. David Garcia-Baeza, Spain
- Indirect bonding of brackets for predictable orthodontic results - By Dr. Aleksandra Podoleshova, North Macedonia
- The chairside use of a dual-cure composite for temporary restorations - By Dr Janine Sohota, United Kingdom

GC get connected 15
- Welcome word A. Rumphorst
- Challenges and treatment of the different levels of MIH - Interview with Dr. Nina Zeitler, Germany
- Inferior diastema closure with a universal composite - By Ormir Bushati, Albania
- A non-invasive treatment approach with direct composite veneers - By Andrés Silva, Spain
- The digital workflow in present-day orthodontics - Interview with Dr. Med. Dent. Marc Geserick, Germany
- Injection Moulding: Case study & technique guide - By Dr. Anthony Tay, Singapore
- GC Temp PRINT - a versatile material - By RDT Stephen Lusty, United Kingdom
- Creating veneers with the platinum foil technique - By Santiago García Zurdo and Juan Zufía González DDS, Spain
- The challenge of replacing adjacent incisors - By Dr. Cyril Gaillard, France

GC get connected 14
- Welcome word A. Rumphorst
- A full digital workflow with 3D-printed temporary restorations - Dr Anthony Mak and Dr Andrew Chio, Australia
- The composite injection technique with GRADIA PLUS - MDT Lisa Johnson, United Kingdom, MDT Marijo Rezo, Croatia, CDT Jonas Spaenhoven from GC Europe and MDT Roeland De Paepe from GC Benelux
- Injection moulding for a predictable aesthetic outcome - Dr. Angel Andonovski, North Macedonia
- Indirect Hybrid Nano-Ceramic Adhesive Restorations in the Posterior Region: A case report using the new CERASMART270 - Dr. Pierre Dimitrov, Dr. Assen Marinov and MDT Boyanka Vladimirova, Bulgaria
- Smile rehabilitation with lithium disilicate veneers: a case report - Prof. Joseph Sabbagh, Lebanon
- Experiences gained with Experience™ mini Rhodium and Ortho Connect: A Self-ligating bracket with a compelling design and convincing implementation process - Dr. Marcus Holzmeier, Germany
- Hybrid zirconia titanium abutments assembled with G-CEM LinkAce can be autoclaved maintaining structural integrity - MDT Dieter Pils, Austria
- Zirconia: Aesthetic, strong and predictable - Patric Freudenthal IQDENT / DTG, Sweden

GC get connected 13
- Welcome word J. Richter
- Direct Veneers with Polychromatic Layering: A Case Report - Ezgi Tüter and Ass. Prof. Bora Korkut, Turkey
- An aesthetic and biomimetic approach with a glass hybrid for direct restorations - Ass. Prof. Zeynep Bilge Kütük, Turkey
- FujiCEM Evolve as innovative resin-modified glass-ionomer cement for zirconia restorations: a case report - Prof. Roberto Sorrentino, Italy
- Bonding of ceramic veneers - Prof. O. Etienne and Dr. B. Cournault
- An efficient approach to the restoration of worn incisors - Dr. Florian Klumpp, Germany
- Considerations for optimal restoration of teeth with perforations - Georg Benjamin, Germany
- Initial LiSi Press Contest: and the winners are...
- G-CEM LinkForce: A Simplified System for Adhesive Bonding Procedures - Dr. Antonio Saiz-Pardo, Spain

GC get connected 12
- Welcome word J. Richter
- TEAMPLAY with Initial LiSi - Tom Clauwaert and Bob Elst, Belgium
- Luting of an aesthetic restoration with a light-cure cement, G-CEM Veneer - Jacopo Mattiussi, Italy
- A simple, quick method for beautiful customised provisionals - Dr. Christian Lampson, Germany
- Preserving the posterior functional dentition - David Gerdolle, Switzerland
- Full arch rehabilitation with lithium disilicate secondary crowns luted on the primary framework - Joaquín García Arranz (Quini), Ramón Asensio Acevedo and Oscar Jimenez Rodriguez, Spain
- Implant supported hybrid restoration with thimble crowns - Bill Marais, South Africa
- Essentia Academic Excellence Contest: winning case - Myriam Alonso Fuente, Spain
- Managing congenitally missing lateral incisors with implants - The key factors to reach an excellent result - Dr. Miguel A Iglesia Puig, Spain

GC get connected 11
- Welcome word J. Richter
- Injection moulding with composite to obtain a predictable aesthetic outcome: Clinical step-by-step with G-ænial Universal Injectable and EXACLEAR transparent silicone - Dr Ali Salehi, France
- More than just a curing light: Benefits of D-Light Pro in day-to-day use - Dr Alessandro Devigus, Switzerland
- An aesthetic project with Initial LRF CAD/CAM restorations - Dr Max Cordelette, France
- Indirect CAD/CAM restoration with GC CERASMART: Hybrid ceramic allows customisation without a firing process - Dr Christoph Blum, Germany
- Bonded ceramic restorations: Management of two different substrates - Mathieu Contrepois and Jérôme Bellamy, France
- Full arch implant rehabilitation: a case report - Dr David Garcia Baeza, Spain
- 15 years INITIAL: the birth and evolution of a highly innovative class - Michael Brüsch, Germany
- Colour and brightness: Proper brightness of a zirconia-ceramic restoration using Initial Zr-FS ceramic - Luigi Russo, Italy

GC get connected 10
- Welcome word M. Puttini
- Initial LiSi Press for all ceramic restorations on discoloured preps - MDT Stefan Roozen, Austria
- Indirect CAD/CAM restorations from leucite-reinforced glass-ceramics - Dr. R. Venelinov & Dr. K. Gospodinov, Bulgaria
- Thinking outside the box is in demand: Hybrid ceramic material as a supplementary material for CAD/CAM for single tooth and implant treatment - ZTM Carsten Fischer, Germany
- Enhance your diagnostics: What can we understand from light-induced fluorescence? - Dr. Stephane Browet
- Glass ionomers: the material of choice in paediatric dentistry? - Thomas Trentesaux, Caroline Leverd, Mathilde Laumaille, Marion Jayet, Caroline Delfosse, France
- New Generation Short Fibre-Reinforced Composite Restorations of the Posterior Dentition - Márk Fráter DMD & András Forster DMD
- Challenging aesthetic restorations: combining materials from a different nature - Dr. Silvia Del Cid, Spain
- GC Luting Guide - Choosing the right luting agent for each indication

GC get connected 9
- Welcome word M. Puttini
- Indirect composite restorations in the posterior zone: probably one of the best options - Dr. Rafał Mędzin, Poland
- Managing severe Hypomineralised Second Primary Molars (HSPM) and Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) with preformed metal crowns - Dr. Clarissa Bonifácio and Dr. Daniela Hesse, The Netherlands
- Key points to the successful laboratory processing of press ceramics - Toshio Morimoto, Dental Technician, M Dental Laboratory, Osaka
- Restorations with composite in ceramic rehabilitation - F. Troyano, Spain
- Universal bonding solution with G-CEM LinkForce: Strong adhesion for a diversity of materials and indications - Dr. Joachim Beck-Mußotter
- Aadva Lab Scan – high accuracy for the perfect fit - Prof. Marco Ferrari

GC get connected 8
- Welcome word M. Puttini
- The future of restorative dentistry is... digital - Dr. Filip Keulemans
- 10 years of GC EQUIA: Experts take stock - Significant progress in GIC - Prof. Dr. Sevil Gurgan, Prof. Elmar Reich, PD Dr. Falk Schwendicke, Prof. Hervé Tassery
- Seeing is believing! Near-UV light detection mode with GC D-Light Pro - Dr. Javier Tapia Guadix
- Clinical application of the Proximal Box Elevation Technique in combination with Cerasmart Inlays - Dr. Dayana da Silva Gonçalves, Prof. Laura Ceballos
- Essentia Universal shade - A universal solution for posterior restorations? - Dr. Bojidar Kafelov
- Winners Essentia Facebook contest
- How to maintain comfort and function after implant placement in denture wearers? The use of silicone soft relining material as a solution - Dr. David Garcia-Baeza, Dr. Olga González
- Effectively combining - CAD/CAM applications - Garlef Roth
- GRADIA PLUS - a new concept for indirect lab composite techniques - Diederik Hellingh, ZTM Simone Maffei, ZTM Michael Brüsch
- Press for success! GC Initial LiSi Press - An extraordinary combination of strength and aesthetics - Carsten Fischer

GC get connected 7
- Welcome word M. Puttini
- Clinical evaluations confirm longevity of glass ionomer cements - Professor L. Sebnem Turkun
- Non-invasive composite reconstructions in cases of worn lower anterior teeth - Maciej Żarow
- Changing perspectives on direct CAD/CAM restorations
- Which kind of luting cements do you have in your drawer? - Emmanuel d’Incau
- Chairside tooth replacement using a simplified procedure to create a fibre-reinforced composite bridge - Dr. Esra Can Say
- GRADIA PLUS - A new concept for indirect lab composite techniques

GC get connected 6
- Welcome word M. Puttini
- Full-mouth rehabilitation using Essentia composite and OPTIGLAZE colour characterisation material in combination with a multi-layer thermoforming technique based on wax-up: a clinical case report - by Dr Iñaki Gamborena
- GC Europe Campus: A new standard in training and education - by Karin de Hert
- G-CEM LinkForce: Bonding protocol for indirect ceramic restorations - by Dr. Olivier Etienne
- The Initial series... a game changer - by Dr. Bill Marais
- Cerasmart: the perfect alternative in the laboratory for cases of erosion and restorations on implants - by Dr. Christian Thie
- Methodical approach towards the correct CAD/CAM decision -by Garlef Roth (CDT)

GC get connected 5
- Welcome word M. Puttini
- Changing mindset towards simplified procedures with universal bonding systems - Dr. Serhat Köken
- Simplifying direct adhesive restorations with GC Essentia composite - Dr. Gianfranco Politano
- Tooth Wear Management by Minimal Intervention - Dr. Shamir Mehta
- Healing deep caries lesions in the posterior region with the new micro-laminated glass ionomer cement - Dr. Anja Baraba and Prof. Ivana Miletić
- New fluoride varnish MI Varnish by GC - Dr. Birgit Riebeling
- Luting navigation chart
- Cleaning agents and disinfectants guidelines
- Pre-treatment procedures for indirect restorations
- Clinical evaluation of CERASMART, a new hybrid ceramic CAD/CAM block - Dr. Mete Fanuscu and Dr. Ahmet Turan
- GC INITIAL, Progress and success - MDT Michael Brüsch

GC get connected 4
- Welcome word M. Puttini
- essentia. The smart simplification of a composite system! - Dr. Javier Tapia Guadix
- Cerasmart, a step-by step description in the form of a clinical case report - Dr. Andreas Mattmüller
- Highlight on the concept of Biomimetics - Dr. Gil Tirlet
- Realisation of a diastema closure with a bonded composite resin - Dr. Ulf Krueger-Janson
- Modern Solutions for Direct Posterior Restorations - Prof. Ivana Miletic
- Monolithic milling - individually characterised | Smart surface sealing with milled PMMA-Restorations: GC OPTIGLAZE Color - ZTM Christian Rothe
- A new solution to compensate firing shrinkage with translucent shades - Dr. Vincenzo Mutone

GC get connected 3
- Welcome by GC Europe President, Mr Michele Puttini
- WATCH: ART Technique using Fuji IX GP EXTRA in P/L - Professor Evert van Amerongen
- Introducing the Dentonauts: your partners in paediatric dentistry
- The diagnosis, prevalence and treatment of MIH - Professor Evert van Amerongen
- Creating an aesthetic root canal post with everStickPOST - Assistant Professor Anja Baraba
- My recipe to achieve a G-ænial smile - Dr Rodolphe Zunzarren
- Infographic: When to use which GC glass ionomer restorative?
- UKʼs leading dental school advances MID training through new postgraduate qualification - Professor Avi Banerjee
- The latest scientific evidence: Glass ionomer cement abstracts
- Step by step: Restoring with G-ænial Bond
- Cementation of hybrid abutments with G-CEM LinkAce - Roland Verhoeven

GC get connected 2
- Fibres (un)limited (Dr Filip Keulemans)
- Tips and strategies for restoring large cavities using fibre-reinforced material (Drs Stephane Brouwet and Javier Tapia Guadix)
- Clinical efficiency of one-step self-etch adhesives versus etch-and-rinse systems (Professor Jan van Dijken)
- Success with luting cements: material and technique tips (Dr Frédéric Raux)
- 10 years INITIAL: the birth and evolution of a highly innovative class (MDT Michael Brüsch)
- Step by step: Using EverX posterior

GC get connected 1
Advances in composite technology
- Choosing the material that suits you best (Dr Philipp Kober, Austria)
- Embracing scientific advances (Dr Javier Tapia Guadix, Spain)
- Fibres are changing dentistry (Professor Pekka K. Vallittu DDS, PhD, Finland)
- Technique tips for GC G-ænial
Minimum intervention dentistry
- Prevention-centered care (Professor Sophie Doméjean, France)
- Ready to realise the full potential of MI Dentistry (Professor Avijit Banerjee, UK)
- Simpler is better (Dr Matteo Basso, Italy)
- Technique tips for GC EQUIA