Injection Moulding Technique

Injection Moulding Technique
20/06/24- 06:00pm
Paula Clark
334 Flinders Street, Townsville, QLD
AUD 249.00
Injection Moulding Technique
The Injection Moulding Technique allows the clinician to transfer anatomical details from a wax-up to the mouth. The use of a clear silicone material as a stent enables the accurate replication of the template from the wax-up producing beautiful aesthetic results with ease. With the use of an injectable composite, creating smile transformation is possible without carrying out extensive dental procedures to achieve ceramic-like restorations. The conservative solution of using direct restorative techniques makes creating superior aesthetics and long-lasting restorations achievable.
In this workshop, you will:
- Learn how to do the injection moulding technique
- Learn some clinical tips and tricks to achieve excellent results
- Learn simple finishing and polishing