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The 99th General Session of IADR

Corporate Announcement

GC Holding AG Strengthens Corporate Governance and Announces New CEO

MI Paste® ONE Perio

One Step Anti-Gingivitis Toothpaste with RECALDENT® Technology

GC Initial® LiSi Block

Lithium Disilicate Glass Ceramic CAD/CAM Block

G-ænial™ A’CHORD

Universal Light-Cured Radiopaque Composite Restorative


Universal Self-Adhesive Resin Cement

GC Initial® LiSi Press

High Strength Lithium Disilicate with HDM Technology


Cost-Effective Long Term Restorative Alternative

The 99th General Session of IADR

Slide from Prof. Reynolds’s Opening Remarks Presentation
Slide from Prof. Reynolds’s Opening Remarks Presentation
Slide from Prof. Reynolds’s Opening Remarks Presentation
Slide from Prof. Reynolds’s Opening Remarks Presentation

Opening Remarks

Prof. Eric Reynolds, who has provided outstanding guidance regarding CPP-ACP, has been appointed as the new President of IADR and gave a very inspiring opening address for the event. In his speech, titled “IADR 100 Years On: Driving Science, Engagement and Globalization Post COVID-19,” Reynolds detailed how he joined IADR in 1983, when the meeting was held in Sydney, Australia, and connected there with worldwide researchers who stimulated his career. In particular, Reynolds commented that Makoto and Makiko Nakao were both among the 21 individuals who most provided him with "inspiration and influence."

Based on this experience, Reynolds emphasized the importance for young researchers to use IADR as a global networking platform.

Reynolds highlighted the importance of embodiment of research outcomes emerging from academic-industrial partnerships and contributions to society, as well as the necessity of stepping up efforts to effectively maximize performances with stakeholders.

Celebrating GC’s 100th Anniversary During the (100% Virtual) 99th IADR General Session

During this IADR General Session, GC conducted two major activities as part of their centennial commemorative program.

The first was an industry sponsored symposium entitled “New Perspectives in Adhesive Dentistry: Innovations, Challenges and Clinical Considerations.” Prof. Bart Van Meerbeek (KU Leuven), Dr. Nathaniel Lawson (University of Alabama), and Prof. Masashi Miyazaki (Nihon University) presented a very comprehensive overview of the development of durable adhesive materials and their usage in dental treatments based on the latest evidence. Emphasis was placed on G2-BOND Universal and G-CEM ONE™, while addressing appropriate material selection, technique, and clinical success in direct and indirect treatments. Van Meerbeek, Lawson, and Miyazaki will also be lecturers at GC’s 5th International Dental Symposium in April 2022.

The second GC activity was the awarding of the IADR GC Centennial Travel Grant, which is open to young researchers within 10 years of graduation and working on maintaining and improving the oral health of elderly people. This year, the grant was awarded to Dr. Carolina Duarte (Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA), for her work on “Porphyromonas Gingivalis-Derived Sphingolipid Induces Lysosomal Dysfunction and Osteoclastogenesis via Cathepsin-B” and was announced at the Opening Ceremony.

Presentation About Foundation Nakao for Worldwide Oral Health Activity

During the poster sessions, Yusuke Shigemitsu from GC International AG presented an abstract entitled “Development of Restorative Options Decision Tree for Amalgam Alternative Materials,” describing the creation and utilization of the Restorative Options Decision Tree. This project was initiated by Prof. Reinhard Hickel from University of Munich and developed with experts from the Foundation Nakao for Worldwide Oral Health management board. Discussions using the Zoom video conferencing platform were held during the poster session with active discussions reflecting the high interest for this topic. Click here to view this decision tree as a user-friendly web app.

Achievements of GC Researchers

Ten poster presentations were made by researchers about GC’s latest products, such as G2-BOND Universal and G-CEM ONE™. GC researchers used the advantages of online platform to hold interactive discussions with the researchers worldwide. The eBook, including the research and development abstracts about GC products, is available as a web app. Click here to discover the science behind GC’s products.