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Chairman Makoto Nakao's writing received the Nikkei QC Literature Prize

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Chairman Makoto Nakao's writing received the Nikkei QC Literature Prize

The Japanese book cover of Makoto Nakao's writings

On October 5, the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) announced the 2021 recipient of the "Deming Prize," awarded to companies and individuals who have achieved excellent results in study of Total Quality Management (TQM). Among the recipients, Chairman Makoto Nakao's book, titled "Growth strategy by overseas expansion and quality management - 100 years trajectory of global middle-sized enterprise," has received the "Nikkei QC Literature Prize". This Prize was created in 1954 to award excellent literature on the study of TQM or statistical methods used for TQM recognized to contribute to the progress and development of quality management. In this book, Nakao Makoto, who served as president of GC Corporation from 1983 until 2019, described management strategy based on "quality management," growth strategy as a unique middle-sized enterprise, and the status of the Japanese company from a global perspective through its 100 years as dental manufacturer. A private award ceremony for the recipients will be held on November 10 in Tokyo, Japan and will be broadcast live for the general public.